A Killer Among Friends is a 1992 CBS drama television movie which aired on December 8, 1992, starring Patty Duke, Loretta Swit, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen & Margaret Welsh.
Jenny Monroe is a beautiful, popular teenage girl. One day, Jenny goes out with her friends to the park and fails to return home. Three days later, her deceased body is found in a creek.
Jenny's mother, Jean and best friend, Ellen work together to find out who is responsible for the murder, but little does Jean know that the killer is right under her own roof.
- Patty Duke as Jean Monroe
- Margaret Welsh as Ellen Holloway
- Tiffani-Amber Thiessen as Jennifer "Jenny" Monroe
- Angie Rae McKinney as Carla Lewis
- David Cubitt as Greg Monroe
- Janne Mortil as Kathy Pearl
- Loretta Swit as Detective Patricia Staley
- Debra Sharkey as Sheryl Monroe
- Chad Todhunter as Adam Monroe
- Ben Bass as Steve
- William S. Taylor as Detective Mike Collins
- Babs Chula as Diane
- Matthew Bennett as Dan
- Heather and Shannon Beaty as Celeste
- Barry Pepper as Mickey Turner
- Lisa Vultaggio as Susan