A Very Brady Christmas is a 1988 CBS network television comedy-drama movie which aired on December 18, 1988 featuring the original cast members of the 1969–1974 sitcom "The Brady Bunch" (with the exception of Susan Olsen, who was on her honeymoon at the time of filming and was replaced by Jennifer Runyon in the role of Cindy Brady).
Mike (Robert Reed) and Carol Brady (Florence Henderson) are looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with their six adult children and their friend and former housekeeper, Alice (Ann B. Davis), but various issues may keep them apart.
Every Brady sibling has a set of problems, marital or otherwise. However, their own difficulties are eclipsed when their father is trapped in a collapsed building. For the Bradys to have a happy holiday, it's going to take a Christmas miracle.
- Robert Reed as Mike Brady
- Florence Henderson as Carol Brady
- Ann B. Davis as Alice Nelson-Franklin
- Barry Williams as Dr. Greg Brady
- Maureen McCormick as Marcia Brady-Logan
- Christopher Knight as Peter Brady
- Eve Plumb as Jan Brady-Covington
- Mike Lookinland as Bobby Brady
- Jennifer Runyon as Cindy Brady
- Lewis Arquette as Sam Franklin
- Jerry Houser as Wally Logan
- Carol Huston as Valerie Thomas
- Ron Kuhlman as Philip Covington III
- Caryn Richman as Nora Brady
- Zachary Bostrom as Kevin Brady
- Jackie Bernstein as Jessica Logan
- G.W. Lee as Mickey Logan